Young performing artist | Celeste Sanchez

For a better world we need to empower young millennials in this upcoming age. They will be the next politicians, teachers, entrepreneurs, artists, dancers and more. As a matter of fact I got a chance to interview Celeste Sanchez who is a senior at Crane Medical Preparatory High School and is currently majoring in performing arts. Here is the interview below:

1. When did you start drawing freelance art & what have inspired you?
– Quite frankly I didn’t start taking my art practices to the next level until last year ,my Junior year,in which I was participating in multiple art shows and programs and this idea of business and passion merged into one . It initiated with my involvement in advanced placement courses to programs in the Art institute and I’ve grown enough to own a collection of works centralized around one theme. A lot of my inspiration for my art is derived from my passions in having a hunger for knowledge and social justice as well as an outlet to express emotions on a given notion. Truly , when one of my works meets eye to eye with the public I feel like that moment is progress within itself because a step to assessing issues is being aware they exist . So I tend to incorporate emphasizing certain symbols in my art to achieve that affect of awareness .
2. What type of voice does your art have?
– My art has a direct embodiment of my own voice that naturally tends to translate as powerful. It’s very assertive and definitely compassionate with social injustice themes of overlooked communities or political actions. Whether it be women , healthcare, mental illness,  gentrification, or educational inequities-rest assure- I’m on it. I do a lot of research so there is an academic voice and there  are many things that may be obviously or subtly implied but there is a reason to various aspects that are touched on.
3. Have you taken your art to competitions? If so, where?
– I have taken my art mostly to art gallery’s and been a part of 3 art shows so far here in Chicago including one at the Art institute as a part of one of their teen programs. This year I am currently applying to the All city exhibition at SAIC  in which I’m awaiting to see if my work will be selected. I may also be doing the Vans Off the Wall shoe design contest.
4. In a couple words what about your art do you want people to know?
–  I want people to know that my art is for the public to educate themselves.  Not on me personally but on larger themes that are often neglected.  It’s there to be thought provoking and to be something that maybe the audience can identify with . I strongly believe that the energy in which an artist puts out in the world will be felt. I for one generally carry myself with a positive yet introspective demeanor .  I want to initiate public discussion and inspire the steps of others to achieve something more than their typical day to day standards.
5. If Documented Press asked you to draw a cover photo would you take the offer? If so, why?
– I would more than likely take the offer given that I myself am a young adult looking to find publicity for my work and Documented Press would provide me with that platform . I think collaboration is strong and essential for both parties.
6. If you want someone to share your art, work with you or have business inquires how can they contact you (social media,email)

I am most attainable by phone number : (773)890-4732 or email:
Art drawn by Celeste Sanchez

Documented Press

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